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8 horrible first dates

People do a lot of Odd things when it comes to the world of dating. Wearing cologne that smells like dog food on them, going “Dutch” without letting their date know that was the plan ahead of time. We have all been there but my very Modern and Distinguished friends, I am here to make sure you don’t make these Date Disastrous mistakes with something I call my eight horrible first dates. No matter if it’s the very first date or your 11th date Avoid these at ALL cost!! So let’s get right into it.

#8. Going Shopping – I know this may seem cute or a fun Idea but I PROMISE you it’s a mistake from the Gods of that wonderland, we commonly know as the Mall! First and foremost, what would you be shopping for when you’re supposed to be getting to know the person you’re on a date with? And if you’re thinking about purchasing her that sexy little number you fantasize about gentlemen, congratulations you now look like a sex-crazed CREEP! Which shifts us to… #7 Your Home – Ok two things here, first put some effort into it. You look cheap and unenthusiastic in your attempt at impressing her. Some women may feel as if you are trying to lure her to your place without buying dinner first. Second, we are beyond the place of Netflix and chill. If you have a nice dinner in mind complete with drinks by your lavish backyard pool; save those ideas for later when you all are in a more comfortable place with each other. #6 Drive Through Dinner – Consider this from the other side of the fence guys. You’re getting ready for your first date with a guy or girl. They're coming to pick you up, you’re going to put effort into getting ready (even if it’s only making sure to shower), you're all set and BAM! They pull up to the golden arches… "bah-da-da-da-dah," You're-Hating IT! So please, if it’s a first or second date. Think about something different that you could do. For the same amount, you spent on two meals there; you could probably do two for $20 somewhere else and looked like a champ.

#5 Church/Church functions – I know Grandma told you that you can find a good man or good girl in the church people but this isn’t the place to have a first date, it looks good when you think about it but you should ask yourself what if this person isn’t comfortable or how are you going to get to know this person at this type of venue. Again, I’m all for sharing your beliefs with your “soon to be” better half but you shouldn’t try to spark the flame at the bake sale. #4 The Movies – I know a lot of you are Like “Come On Man!” but there is a method to my madness I assure you. The Movies, a Play, a freaking Oprah are not the place to have a first date because for 2 hours respectively you aren’t talking or getting to know each other, you’re not even looking at each other (Note: It would be very weird if I looked over during a movie and you were staring at me instead of watching the movie.). Then after the show, you run the risk of having to cut the night short because the babysitter has to go home, or the other person has gotten tired, etc. Bottom line Not the best first date Idea. #3 Night Clubs/Bars – Well… this again is a chaotic setting, and while some pull it off, it’s not the top of my list of an early date location. There’s a familiar saying "never take sand to the beach", and that applies here because people go to these places in search of what you have. So, what happens when your sexy date gets hit on by someone while you’re getting drinks? Someone is going to get upset… right? For me, it’s extremely risky.

#2 Strip clubs – I merely mention it up because it’s happened… You have all the fun of #3 on the list, with the added bonus of Naked people dancing all around you! Ladies and Gents, I know strip clubs are fun and everything. They're excellent for a "night out” or hanging with the boys but, like the church function; this isn’t the place to take your date. Save it for later, then you can make it rain! #1 Family Functions – People Please Please Please don’t do it; you have put in some arduous work to get this cutie from accounting to come on a date with you. Let's not invite your grandma to ask her about grandbabies. It’s an extremely uncomfortable position to be in; i've been there and must say nothing against your family but, allow me to get to know you first.

I know we have all been on some doozies of first dates and I would love to hear your horror stories.

Until next time...

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Feb 26, 2021

Thoroughly enjoyed this...thoroughly LOL!

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