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Farewell to the gentleman part 1

Updated: Feb 2, 2021

It is becoming more and more apparent that the art of being a gentleman is being depleted and pushed away. People are quick to blame “men” for the change, however, on a deeper level, we find that it's not the men it’s the women.

For example, there are a lot of women who reject the actions of a traditional gentleman, who is trying to treat them as such. If it's holding the door, paying the check, or offering to take a lady on a date. Some women would say "I am a grown woman”, “I’m independent”, or "I don’t need you…"

What women don’t see is that men, at any stage, are not like women in how they approach and react to different situations. Let’s take Johnny, he’s 21 and was raised to be a true gentleman by his elder uncle. He meets Amy who has the mentality that she is above the need or appreciation of a gentleman in her life. When Johnny approaches and compliments her as he should, and proceeds to invite her out, she laughs in his face and calls him lame hence, changing his view and approach. Now, let’s say, this happens 2-4 more times with different girls in the same mindset. Well, now he is going to follow what these women, the women he is attracted to, want, or desire.

When Johnny sees Todd (the non-gentleman type), talking to Amy disrespectfully and Amy responds by throwing herself at Todd. Johnny, who was all about getting with Amy, now takes a similar approach to get the woman he wants.

Amy rejects Johnny, and he becomes just like Todd. The argument then becomes that there aren’t any good guys in the world. So, ladies before you "friend zone" Johnny for being too nice, well-spoken, and kind, be sure to consider that the nice/good guy might be everything you're looking for.

Just something to consider


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Jan 28, 2021

When I hear females say chivalry is dead, there's no good men around, etc. - I laugh because I know well enough that chivalry is very much alive and there are plenty of good men around. The problem is that too many women have lowered standards and expectations of men. What they are attracted to and require of a man has drastically changed and not for the better. It's kind of like supply and demand...when the quality of what is demanded increases then the supply options will increase.

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