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Writer's pictureMND

new moves this year

As we start a new year I thought it would be good to take a look at how we as people move and think about the things we do. Many of us spend a lot of time approaching things we want in life all wrong, from Career moves to the opposite sex, we make moves seldom looking at what’s next. Picture if you will a game of checkers, the goal is to take out the opponent and by making the right moves quickly getting across enemy lines to the other side just to holler out with jubilee “KING ME” only to now try to run all over the place trying to take out what’s left of your opponent without getting taken out yourself. It’s really chaotic when you consider it right? Now, what if I told you, you’ve been playing checkers to get what you want when you should be playing chess.

Do you know why Checkers is so popular these days over chess? It’s because it’s easy, there’s no strategy needed, the rules are simple and it’s straight forward. This is how the average person likes to go about their life. No Planning, a strategy? What’s that?? And forget a Trump card. NO! It’s either all or nothing but, here’s the Key, if you approach things like a game of chess considering every move and how you plan on making it. Seem abstract? Ok, let’s look at a simple scenario… “You’re going out for drinks”

The Checkers way

After work, I’ll go straight to the bar, get tipsy, grab a burger, and call it a night. What usually happens in this scenario (with no real planning) is, You go to the bar still wearing what you wore to work, which depending on where you work or what you do may or may not be an issue but let's continue. Get to the bar and but 2-4 drinks never really looking at your finances or what you have spent. Next, you get a burger harmless enough right? But being hungry you may smash through 2 or even 3 of them because you’re hungry from your long day. Now that you’ve eaten all that bread you’ve probably sobered up which means you need a couple more drinks to get back to your buzzed state. Now that you’ve done all this everything starts to set in and you’ve got to drive home but you’re in no state to drive. But you go for it anyway and pray all the way home looking forward to checking your account tomorrow and the hangover you already feel coming.

Long Story short you’ve failed…

The Chess Way

With Planning – You go home after work and get comfortable, maybe a fresh shirt or a little more casual outfit nothing fancy but you want to be comfortable. While home get something small to eat so you’re not on Empty when you go out, it makes drinking less harsh with something in you already, Call an Uber and head out… I know what you’re saying “MnD, why would I do that, I have a perfectly good car right here?” and your right but you have to consider if you want to take the risk of a DUI on the way home. That being said Get Cash! Don’t put everything on your card, if you know how much you have to spend on appetizers and drinks and you don’t wake up in the more with a headache and a negative balance. Finally, go enjoy yourself, get tipsy, and take an Uber back home.

Addressing things with a plan makes life a whole lot easier and more manageable. Just take a minute and consider things before you rush into anything.

Keep it MnD

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