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The squad

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Let’s talk about the controversial “SQUAD” aka the guys, bros, those guys girlfriends cringe about and outsiders want to be one of, no matter what name this rowdy group goes by everyone has one or is a part of one. For some reason, there is a lot of negative connotations about them however I feel it is important for guys to have this group. NOW LET ME SAY THIS UP FRONT… Your squad must be conducive to your success in life. Their presence should be one that enriches some part of your life and encourage your positive attributes.

Now with that being said I am not delusional about how are squads are typically set up. There’s a group of guys (and sometimes girls) 4-5 members deep, that share a bond either from as early as childhood to the guy that moved in next door a month ago. The squad must have some Key players:

The Leader – the man (or woman) with the plan The Mastermind – the member who usually has things mapped out which bars/parties and how long we can attend each to make all of the stops Pops – the responsible one (usually Designated driver, or at least the one who drives the safest after drinks) he or she is usually married or at least engaged. The Wingman – the bold charming type that is ready willing and able to take one for the team so you have a chance. The Super Star – The one everyone knows (no matter where you are, including church) The Tough Guy – need I say more? We have that one friend that swears they are an MMA world champ but you need that person, even if they have a hard time fighting a cold!

Now again let me say thing goes either way male or female but being honest we need them. A lot of times your girlfriends or even boyfriends WILL have a problem with the squad and just the same they may not like your other half but, there is a reason for this. Each of them are worried that a member of their squad is going to be taken away and though I wouldn’t call it jealousy, I will say no one wants to lose one of their own especially if the squad is not sure of how long this latest love will be around.

That being said the squad’s relationship with the significant other is one that needs to be established early and must be a genuine one. In my own circle, my best friend’s wife HATED when he went out with us, however, as our relationship grew she wasn’t as worried when we went out for a boy’s night out.

Another reason the squad is needed (and this is really geared toward the ladies). Your man’s boys are his outlet like your girls are yours, that’s his outlet and way to vent and get sound trusted advice. There will always be exceptions to the rule however, the majority of the time this is a good thing.

I said all this to say, as men and women living in this modern world, we have to give respect to get respect. Make sure you’re a strong member of your squad and if/ when your significant other becomes a factor you know how to maneuver.

Be MnD

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