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Writer's pictureTonyia C

We will get through this

What’s going on Mnd Family? I know you’ve been asking what’s going on with MnD well I’m glad you asked. Listen, we all go through things in this life and I am no exception. For the last 6-8 weeks I have been dealing with my own depression. Things in my personal life, death and redemption but, I am happy to remind you all that if you are reading this post WE ARE STILL HERE!!! Covid-19 and all of its variants have taught us to enjoy and respect life and I am no exception. I have seen 3 close deaths in my family and circle that took me some time to recover from. To my loyal readers, friends, colleagues, and associates; I thank you for all the love and support but we are BACK! And I wanted to take this time to cover something that we all go through. Grief & Depression… As a Father, brother, friend, and associate, I have been in this world just like you and I want you to understand that nothing we deal with is easy. Gone are the days of Josh and Blues clues… Gone are the mornings of innocence and cheerios on a Saturday… We are grown now and life hits us hard. We grow with pain and I am no exception so I want to share with you what I have found over my time away. Let’s jump right into it with ways to pull yourself back from Depression.

First thing you have to understand is depression can be a form or result of grief. That being said there are five stages of grief that we must address to get through it. First is Denial and isolation… How many times have you found yourself in a situation retreating to you corner saying “This is not happening?” Its normal, we in many cases choose to not address it as if our denial will make it go away. I am here to tell you it won’t. And the long you deny it the harder it gets to move forward in your truth. It happened, it hurts, and nothing will be the same tomorrow… trust me I know. Next is Anger! “F^c< everyone and everything. It's your fault this has happened, had he or she just gotten the shot or stayed isolated they would still be here. The Government is trying to kill us all… Standing over a grave plot of someone I held dear I will be the first to tell you…” Its normal, we in many cases choose to not address it as if our denial will make it go away. Blame is an ugly mistress that knows no shape or creed. Blame will not make it right but it feels good in the moment. We then try Bargaining… “Lord if they come out of this I Swear on all I love I will…” we ask God hoping that the outcome will change on our terms thus giving us a sense of control over what is or has happened… I myself tried to negotiate with the all mighty to no avail. What will be, will be, and acceptance to this is a hard pill to swallow.

Depression… the area I came to find as home for too long. We tend to feel the full weight of reality. What has taken place now starts to weight on our mental state and how we deal with our day-to-day lives. It’s tough, it’s hard, but now it has become real. “My sister/Brother isn’t coming back... they are gone…” It’s a place none of us want to be however, here we are and no matter status, creed, or financial status… Into this abyss I reside. Finally, there is acceptance… the reality that things have become real and we have to accept it for what it is. This to me is one of the hardest stages because Acceptance can take the longest to get to. No one can force acceptances… it can take an hour, a day, or a year to get to this point but you need to understand that once you get you here, can transcend the pain and grow from it. In fact, many experts say that grief can continue for a lifetime after a major loss, and coping with the loss only becomes easier over time. There is no rushing the process. Dr. Such and such said that the best thing you can do is say I am “Going through it…” because what that says to me is you are still in the fight with me. You haven’t given us, and you aren’t stuck you are moving forward. With that I can help, you continue to move, and we are working in the right directions.

I don’t know if I am speaking to anyone else besides myself but, If I am let me say, you aren’t alone… We have all been there or are there with you. Don’t give up and always keep it MnD…

Prayerfully yours


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